Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Parliamentary debate at All Saints Church Oakham Rutland, Hosted by the Rev Lee

27th April 2010
Parliamentary debate at All Saints Church Oakham Rutland, Hosted by the Rev Lee

The BNP were invited, the invitation could not be accepted.

The five other candidates for Rutland and Melton who attended were.
Mr Baker for UKIP
Mr Duncan for Conservatives
Mr Higgins Independent
Mr Hudson Liberal Democrats
Mr Morgan Labour Party

All candidates gave an opening statement;
I noted a point that stood out for me from each candidate’s statement.

Mr Baker for UKIP Labour has given everything away.

Mr Duncan for Conservatives Labour are spent out.

Mr Higgins Independent (left) I stood because there was no one I could vote for.

Mr Hudson Liberal Democrat,
I stood because my wife was fed up with me shouting at the TV
and told me to put up or shut up!

Mr Morgan Labour,
I joined Labour because I wanted to change the world.
(he was only 15 then)

Six prepared question were asked.

The first question was asked by Gordon Wood a Church Warden. (right) It related to public sector cuts.
Mr Duncan said Rutland County Council
was already very lean and efficient.
Mr Hudson said it was a great pity Rutland’s education budget had been cut,
he said Liberals would end the child trust fund,
end ID Card Scheme
and chose a different system from Trident.

Mr Morgan was critical of Rutland County Council,
Agreed with Mr Hudson on Trident and ID Cards.
He would also fight to keep the minor injuries open at Oakham Hospital.

Mr Baker said UKIP was not a single issue party,
UKIP would get rid of 850,000 civil servants.

Mr Higgins said people were confused about proposed cuts
and asked that we should all be treated like adults and be honest about cuts.

The next question came from the Rev. Baggot a retired Methodist minister.
The question was about climate change.

Mr Hudson said this was a very important issue.

Mr Baker explained how the earth was moving towards the sun
C02 was not to blame.
Gordon Brown should be sent to prison.

Mr Higgins disputed Mr Bakers answer
and confirmed C02 does contribute to global warming.

Mr Duncan agreed with Mr Higgins and Global warming
was not a subject to be relegated,
we should trust the scientists and nuclear power
was the way forward.

The next question was from Rob Beardsley a Baptist minister.
It was based on Christian’s rights and beliefs.

Some candidates appeared not to fully understand the question.
My understanding from the Rectors explanation
Christians were concerned about legislation from central government.
Possible there was to much political correctness.

Mrs Clifton spoke of her experience with girl guides during a recent trip to
Birmingham the group was ask to dumb down the religious content of the event
so not to upset people of other faiths.
My Nan would have been horrified if she was not dead
she was a commissioner of the girl guides
and I often enjoy guide camps as a boy
I could never understand why my tent had to be in another field.

Mr Duncans Army Rob  and Mrs Clifton (right)

Sorry back to the answers

Mr Morgan respected all religious groups
and stated everyone has rights.

Mr Baker said he was a Boy Scout and still is and lives up to the movement’s values,
objects to the political correctness of the Labour party.
He felt too many Muslims had been let in.
We must send back those who object to British and Culture
and impose the culture they enjoy and enjoy it back home.

Mr Higgins Said everyone should be free to express there own religion.

Mr Duncan Said Christianity should not be relegated.
The Lords prayer should be taught in all schools and
the views of all churches should be respected.

Mr Hudson Said there was a need to teach tolerance,
more interfaith groups to avoid radicalisation in all religions.
He wished for peace and hope and promotion of a better understanding.

Peter Kindel a retired bank manager.

When bank manager were bank managers stated Mr Baker.

His question was bas on retirement and the provision for retirement.

Mr Duncan Said it was simple people are retiring to early,
the age of retirement ha to rise, as life expectancy rises.

Mr Hudson would like to see Index linked pensions restored.
Remove age discrimination and reform public sector pensions.

Mr Morgan living longer is not a problem.
The 75p pension increase was a big mistake made by his party.
He also felt the retirement age did not need to rise.

Mr Baker Said the welfare state had not kept up with the changing times.
Pension need to rise.

Mr Higgins Said there need to be more creditability with pension funds.

Then the Rev Susie Parson asked a question relating to peace and foreign policy.

Mr Baker replied how! the hell do you do it?
The Wisdom of Solomon would help but he has been dead for 3000 years.

Mr Duncan Hopes for peace in the Middle East.

Mr Higgins Hope and Prays people will talk.

Mr Hudson thinks the people of Palestine have been treated appallingly.
Sending Tony Blair in to sort things out was like sending in King Herod,
the Lib Dems would remove Mr Blair.

Mr Morgan Agreed with Mr Duncan’s policy for the Middle East.
He is opposed to nuclear weapons.
He does not agree with the entire content of his parties manifesto.

Mr Cullen asked the last question although he was not present to hear the answers.

He asked do you support faith schools.

Mr Hudson replied yes, there is a role for faith schools.

Mr Morgan said he was a bit sceptical faith schools
are good and all schools should be good.

Mr Baker stated he had nothing against faith schools,
they just need monitoring.

Mr Higgins Said faith schools are good
and every child should have a good education.

Mr Duncan Said he is a strong supporter of faith schools,
although he had a slight fear some may isolate some
children from the rest of the community.

All candidates were then given time to give a closing statement.

Mr Morgan Labour Don’t let the Conservatives back in.

Mr Hudson Liberal Democrat It’s a very unpredictable election
and people seemed to have found a passion for politics.
This was now a three horse race.

Mr Higgins Independent
Normal people feel they don’t have a say.

(Mr Higgins often used the word normal it reminded me of a fridge magnet I own.
There’s no such thing as NORMAL)

Mr Duncan Conservative There is no such thing as a safe seat.
Please do vote.
Think of the long term interest of the country.

Mr Baker UKIP £45,000,000 sent to the EU each day.
We need to be free of the EU.
The other three main parties are all failures.
The truth is so bad there is no need to lie.

The End of the meeting/debate/ question time.


It was a pleasure to be invited to the Wheat Sheaf by Mr Duncan*
and his team along with Mr Hudson and his wife and Mr Higgins and his agent.

(* Mr Duncan saved a packet, rules say he cant not buy electors drinks
although in my case it would not have been a problem because
I hand delivered my postal vote first thing that morning)

Before we departed the Church Ms Pender
made her own statement this caused some offence
to some members of the public.
I fully support freedom of speech and Ms Pender
 of course exercised her right.
I was embarrassed and shocked when a lady asked me to control my wife!
I explained Ms Pender was not my wife.
I would like to thank Mrs Clifton for her simple explanation
 as to why Ms Pender could not possibley be my wife.
I am not sure if Rutland people will understand
I would use the term Fag Hag.
Ms Pender has apologised to me.