Thursday, May 27, 2010

Standards complaint Cllr Alf Dewis

Dear Mr Pook

Re: Standards complaint Cllr Alf Dewis,

After item 10 (ii) of the Agenda had concluded The meeting fell into total chaos for about 10-15 minutes at no point did the Chairman Joyce Lucas attempted to restore order.

Cllr Alf Dewis a female member of the public took a seat next to him and they entered both entered into a long conversation.

Eventually most of the public departed. Cllr Dewis behaviour brought the Council into disrepute and to think at the point of public deputations he attempted to call for a vote to have me excluded from the meeting for wishing to explain something to member of public, The member of the public had wrongly stated Rutland County DC councillors don’t live in the town and were not interested in local business as we know many live in the town and own business’s within the town. She also said there were no signs directing people to the Westgate car park there are at least two.
My attempt to relay this to the member if public may have been a small breach because it was not a question it would certainly would not have contributed to the disruption of the meeting in the way Cllr Dewis did by holding a lengthy private conversation during the meeting

Yours Sincerely

Cllr Martin Brookes