Monday, June 28, 2010

Rutland Hippos

If you live here in Oakham you are not allowed to have a opinion!

If you show the slightest signs you might be critical they certainly let you know. 

I will repeat the educational value of the hippo project was valuable for the school children.
The cost of nearly a £1000 per hippo is far to high and the chairman of the festival admitted they did not raise enough sponsorship. I would suggest the tax payer is out of pocket, yes Arts Council Money is tax payers money.

I am no longer bothered about this small group of people and will publish any insult posted or received, Google Alerts is a very handy tool it even gives users access to locked facebook posts.

Interestingly this small group of local people made up of Cllrs and Ex Cllrs and friends think they speak for the whole of Oakham. Sadly they don't many of the other residents would probably use more intelligent words to describe me, moron is a new one this week.

Posted by
Jonny Rudd Do the Hippo trail, ignore the moron Martin Brookes as a Councillor he should support, not attempt to crush local events.

23 June at 18:01 · LikeUnlike · 5 people