Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rutland Library Service

Oakham Library

Rutland Libraries

Information was given to us at the parish forum about the library service

You can renew or reserve an item in a library by phone or by email:

simply quote your library card number and your name and address

you can also renew & reserve items on the Internet.

Please ask a member of staff to arrange for a PIN to be posted to your home - once you have a PIN you can use the online service at

any book may be renewed unless they have been requested by another borrower

the 24hr renewal line is
0845 6032 2815

Library card number and PIN will be required

Rutland Libraries can be found in

Oakham, Uppingham, Ryhall and Ketton

mobile library provides a fortnightly service to the villages of Rutland, bringing books and information to all parts of the County.

Can't get to the library? then let the library come to you
Rutland Library Service
Home Delivery Service