Friday, January 28, 2011

Rutland County Council Web Site errors

There are more errors on the council web than on my blog.

One example, it appears one member of the cabinet does not have any responsibility

The Cabinet comprises the Leader of the Council plus six elected County Councillors.
The Cabinet prepares Council policies and budgets and is responsible for most day-to-day decision making. The Cabinet also provides leadership and accountability for the local community. Each of the five Cabinet Members are responsible for a specified policy area.

Cabinet Membership
The Cabinet comprises the following County Councillors:-

Roger Begy (Chairman) - Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services;

Terry King - Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Development and Finance;

Peter Jones - Culture, Partnerships and Market Towns Portfolio;

Hugh Rees - Adult Social Services and Health Portfolio;

Janine Rodger
- Regulatory Services Portfolio;

Heather Wells - Children and Young People's Services Portfolio;

Mark Wells - Highways, Transportation and Housing Portfolio.

Please note Mr Begy Says he works with a non political council, All his cabinet are Tory