Friday, February 25, 2011

Rutland County Councils Failure to Redact

A member of the public who has said she has been bullied by Rutland County Council for over two years, used the freedom of information act to obtain documents relating to her.

This includes e-mails sent my senior Councillors and Staff, its no surprise the e-mails make the council very stupid and unprofessional.. Mr Roger B Begy (Conservative) - GREETHAM WARD  (Leader of the Council) for example says things like "she slags people of" hardly the grammar you would expect from the leader.

One Councillor suggests to him it would be better if tape recordings of a meeting were to vanish!

I am more concerned about the one below my name was not redacted before it was sent out to this member of the public.

Geoff Pook head of legal services suggests to the Chief Executive Helen Briggs that Councillors will surely treat her in the same way they do Martin Brookes!

The lady asks what does this mean? I can only assume it means send her vile and explicit messages, make death threats and bully and harass her and call her a paedophile, What else could it been?

Rutland County Council say I can complain to the Chief Executive Helen Briggs about this serious breach, now that  is a joke!

It is good to see bully

Mr Terry C King (Conservative) - EXTON WARD (Deputy Leader of the Council) often chuck his rattle out of the pram Mr Pooks says "Terry's e-mail might be another case of where he might be making  to much of a thing"

The Council is shown in further emails to be unsure weather Mr King making a standards complaint about Councillor would be less nuclear than if Helen Briggs raised the complaint.

This document will be used at my Standard Tribunal to point out how for some reason Rutland County Council has treated me in a unknown special way?