Thursday, September 29, 2011

Oakham Town Council Planning Immigration and Race

Oakham Town Council Planning Immigration and Race

Dear Mr Pook,

I spoke to the Clerk about this complaint and at the time I said I would not complain.

I posted brief details on my blog and have since received communications stating the Cllrs comments are racist and the council chamber is not the place for racism

I wish to raise a standards complaint against Councillor Nowell.

His racist rant should not be tolerated, the council chamber is not the place to express these views and by doing so he brought the council into disrepute.
I also believe racism in England is a criminal offence so I am copying this complaint to Leicestershire Police to investigate.  I am also sending a copy to the Institute of Race Relations. (was given wrong point of contact now sent to Equality and Human Rights Commission)

Racism is a fairly new development to go public and unchallenged at Oakham Town Council.

Privately I have experienced homophobic behaviour, will the council be recommending planning approval based sexuality next?

Hawksmead Ltd, Paul Bywater, Oakham Town Council Planning APP/2011/NH (FUL) Racism

Hawksmead Ltd, Paul Bywater, Oakham Town Council Planning APP/2011/NH (FUL) Racism

At last night Oakham Town Council meeting of Oakham Town Council's Planning and Park Committee

We were all treated to what can only be describe as a case of the worse case of racism I have ever seen at Oakham Town Council. Most of those Rutland residents who hold racist views don't express them so publicly.

I was shocked when the Chairman of this committee expressed his racism so vocally and consider this an abuse of his position as chairman.

Cllr John Nowell blamed immigration for Oakham's need for new housing he concluded his racial rant with while immigration was allowed to continue new houses will be built and the new houses will sell because they will buy them.Hawksmead Ltd, Paul Bywater, Oakham Town Council Planning APP/2011/NH (FUL) Racism

At last night Oakham Town Council meeting of Oakham Town Council's Planning and Park Committee

We were all treated to what can only be describe as a case of the worse case of racism I have ever seen at Oakham Town Council. Most of those Rutland residents who hold racist views don't express them so publicly.

I was shocked when the Chairman of this committee expressed his racism so vocally and consider this an abuse of his position as chairman.

Cllr John Nowell blamed immigration for Oakham's need for new housing he concluded his racial rant with while immigration was allowed to continue new houses will be built and the new houses will sell because they will buy them.