Sunday, April 29, 2012

MP Alan Duncan Minister of State For International Development Starts 2012 Int. Cicle Classic Race with Oakham Mayor Joyce Lucas

MP Alan Duncan Minister of State For International Development Starts 2012 Int. Cicle Classic Race with Oakham Mayor Joyce Lucas

The rain did not stop the 8th East Midlands International Cicle Race 2012 from going ahead here in Oakham Today.

The race was started by Conservative MP Alan Duncan and Minister For State and Overseas Development.

That role was summed up with "I have been feeding the poor abroad"

Mr Duncan was assisted by Oakham Mayor Cllr Joyce Lucas who smiled for me in return for a promise of a free photo. Unless she is re-elected by her fellow Councillors on May 9th this is most likely to be the last time
I photograph her at a public event and I do think a smile is more pleasing than her rear.

All images  © Martin Brookes

Conservative MP Alan Duncan chats to Convservative
Leader of Rutland County Council Roger Begy.

Cllr Joyce Lucas (Libdem) MP Alan Duncan (Conservative)
Cllr Edward Baines (Conservative) Chairman of Rutland
County District Council