Thursday, July 26, 2012

Catmose Primary Oakham Stuart Williams Principal ipad2 offer "Shame"

"Shame on you" writes a reader of the Rutland Times.

At the end of term parents of Catmose Primary were sent a letter  from the Principal Stuart Williams.

I have been sent a copy of that letter and have received comments from parents.

The letter can only be described as a commercial presentation for Apples old lowest spec ipad.

Principal: Stuart Williams

The academy highlights the benefits, the ipad2 as an educational tool and a limited number are
on offer to parents at the bargain price of £255.

Discussing this with parents, who can not afford to buy this essential educational tool for their children,
the words "Free education for all" keeps coming up.

I find it hard to believe Catmose Primary will be happy seeing any pupil being educational disadvantaged because they have to sit without this vital educational aid.

Surely all children deserve the same chance to take a bite out of the Apple? 

My view is a ipad is a luxury item.

If Catmose Primary is a little cash poor, maybe it should consider asking Oakham Town Council to stop funding the private gym and spend the 50k + on buying the school some computers to assist the education of
all the young children.

Or Rutland County Council who are pumping hundreds of thousands of pounds into the new football ground
at Barleythorpe which won't be made available to the tax payer.

Then there is always the Gates foundation who provide PCs to schools.

A search online today and I found the fashion accessory ipad3 available at a cheaper price.