Wednesday, August 08, 2012

God Hates Signs, Is Conservative Roger Begy God?

I like the way that American Church Teaches Their Young
Smoking Fags is bad, rather like the Salvation Army,
"God Hates Booze" maybe?

Seeing these signs reminded me of the Conservative Leader of Rutland County Council Roger Begy's dislike for signs and of course me. He once contributed to the Rutland Times, suggesting there were too many road signs throughout the County. Not much happened after that. A normal reaction one can expect from Rutland County Council.

I have noticed this week how shabby many roads signs are here, in and around Oakham, Some with tape covering names of places that don't exist such a the community college there are signs to the closed prison, RAF Cottesmore and many others not needed. The market place has some very tatty signs.