Friday, August 17, 2012

I am not running around Oakham throwing a major tantrum.

The compulsive nutter would like everyone to think I am mad from looking at their recent blog post.

For readers information I am not running around Oakham throwing a major tantrum. I am many hundreds of miles away enjoying myself.

I have regained access to my blog, the password has been changed and stored as was the previous
which I did not forget and just in case I did I had it wrote down.

It amuses me the people connected to this diabolical excuse for local governance always suggest 
their critics are mad?

Its also amazing to think, they are the only sane people?

If the blogs they publish, like the one below is a example of sanity, I think I would prefer to be mad.

The Blog below does not personally bother me. 

Although I have made several requests for the removal of  the photographs they stole
from my Facebook, these images depict my friends and family. Who have never asked to
be portrayed in the public domain in this way. 

The fact they ignore this perfectly proves to me they are trash.

Anyway of to enjoy the sun, I will return to Oakham next week to continue as "Oakham's Compulsive blogger"


Blogger Martin Throws Tantrum After Forgetting His Password

Oh dear! Compulsive Oakham blogger and disgraced ex-councillor Martin Brookes forgot his password this week and is throwing a major tantrum in the town.  Refusing to admit that he just couldn’t remember his own password he insists that it’s all a conspiracy by Oakham Town Council, Rutland County Council and, of course, the police!  It also appears that Brookes has been using the town council’s email address as a log-in for his foul language blog even after he was banned from being a councillor!  What a disgrace!