Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Live@museum it premature to say its closed, says Cllr Joyce Lucas, Also Roger Begy Lied

Live@museum it premature to say its closed, says Cllr Joyce Lucas, Also Roger Begy Lied

Cllr Joyce Lucas reported to Oakham Town Council this evening, "it is premature to say Live@museum is closed"

She was not willing to reveal her secrets...

This despite Rutland County Council recently voting a budget cut to close it.

She went on to accuse a Rutland County Councillor of lying, Saying they had offered the running of the venue to Oakham Town Council and the Town Council turned it down.

I told her she was wrong and she persisted in saying the County Councillor made a false statement.

I of course was told of by the Chairman for speaking.

Cllr Lucas went on to say The Tory  Leader Roger Begy was lying, She said the Town Partnership had
not refused to run the venue .

At this point I step out of the meeting.

On my way out she asked the chairman if it was fine for her to name Roger Begy.

He said yes.

I counted to ten and returned to the meeting.