Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Oakham Town Council Spending June 2013

Oakham Town Council Spending June 2013

Wilkinson Storage Box £4.50

Colemans Stationery £3.57

Think Digital, Oakham Heritage Trail leaflet £899.00

Cory Environmental Grounds Maintenance £2,126.54

G & R Gregg Repair All Saint's Church Wall £81.86

Rutland County Show, Space for gazebo £90 to promote Oakham

Tesco Sweets £10 to promote Oakham

Millennium Computer Services £12 monthly computer back up

Sever Trent Water, Toilets £460.43

Chubb Fire Ltd Testing £36.21

Rutland Garden Centre £140.76 Flower for church beds, (need watering)

Salary Town Clerk £2,142.69

Salary Assistant Clerk £730.11

Tax and NI HMRC £986.32

Plantscape Floral Displays £7371.60

Bank Charges HSBC £31.77

Post Office £8.25 postage

Knights of Oakham £4.47 Light Bulbs

Hinch  Plant and Contractors Repair path in Cutts Close £1,560.00

Flo Skate Parks Repair £1,560.00

Hubbards Farm Supply and install Fence £1,572.00

Rutland County Council CCTV Contribution £2,000

G and R Gregg Refurbish and fit notice board £76.00

G and R Gregg fit extra hanging basket  brackets £96.00

G and R Gregg £186.14 Install bollard Cutts Close

Lark Energy Ltd. Installation of Car Charging Point £2,268.00 (payment from grants received)

Rutland County Council, Cemetery Contribution £5,400.00

Paul Ford Tree Surgery £810

Severn Trent Water Cutts Close £23.65

Cycle Bollards £2,236.00 Broxap (this project was approved in 2010 after many years of moaning
Cllr Joyce Lucas will finally get her required required resting places for her bike)

Talk Talk £81.65

Timpson Engraved plaque for Sword £70 (what a waste of money the sword was presented to
the Town Council by the out going regiment who were given the freedom of the town on the day
it was announced they were to be moved. The sword will be displayed in the council chamber which is closed to the public more than its open.)

Timpson Spare Keys for Church yard Bollard £10.00