Sunday, August 31, 2014

An Abusive Threatening Person Connected to Our Council, Outside English Martyrs Catholic Primary School, Oakham, Video

An Abusive Threatening Person Connected to Our Council, Outside English Martyrs Catholic Primary School, Oakham

Friday afternoon I was walking home with my shopping from Tesco.

I was approached by a man who I did not know. He would only identify himself as a family
member of a family connected to our council.

After he had finished verbally abusing and harassing me, I could not understand all he was saying during his foul rant. It was clear to me his family were council connected and they want to stop my blogging.

I decided to film his car for identification purposes.

He then approached me a lot less abusive as can been seen in the above video.

I of course mention councillors on my blog, but I never approach them in the way they and their family members approach me it is disgusting!