Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Oakham Town Council's Clerk, Dirty Tricks, Using Minutes to discredit me

I have been contacted by various people who have highlighted recent minutes produced by
the Town Council, this includes the Election Commissioner.

(i) It was proposed by Cllr John Nowell, seconded by Cllr Dr Rob Guthrie and unanimously agreed to appoint Cllrs Mrs Joyce Lucas, Mrs Jayne Woodcock, Alf Dewis and Stan Stubbs to conduct interviews

Due to continuous interruptions and one instance of verbal abuse of the Clerk by Mr Martin Brookes, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 7.35pm.
The meeting was reconvened at 7.45pm but it was then proposed by Cllr Mrs Joyce Lucas, seconded by Cllr John Nowell and unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting to a future date

When people read the minutes of a recent town council meeting there is only one thought that comes into their heads when they read the words verbal abuse.

I have asked the Town Council to amend the minutes.

The Town Clerk Richard White agrees I did not swear at him and said "if I had it would have been minuted."

He also said the council is awaiting advice from the LRAC to see if the signed and accepted minutes can be amended, if not they will remain unchanged.

Richard White is just like Helen Briggs CEO of Rutland County Council any criticism or pointing out a mistake is described as abuse or harassment. These over paid public officials seem to be rather sensitive soles.

I also asked my Cllr Adam Lowe why the council names me in minutes when anyone else who interrupts is described as a member of the public? in some case not even minuted at recent meeting a female interrupted many time and was not challenged. At the last planning sub committee meeting a representative of the Wisteria Hotel interrupted and was not challenged.

"we minute all names now in case we need it for court"

That did not really answer my question.

An explanation of the "verbal abuse":

At the first meeting during the planning for a co-option the Clerk advised members the following
after Cllr Stan Stubbs suggested the council should not waste money on advertising a vacancy in the local press.

The Clerk said "You do not need to advertise the vacancy in the local press."

I suggested the Clerks advice "was wrong as is so often the case" I repeated this comment.

He then stormed out of the room.

When the meeting resumed on the 16th July 2014 there was no mention of not placing an advert
in the local press and Cllr Stan Stubbs even voted to place the advert.