Friday, October 17, 2014

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Inept Rutland County Council Plan, Aldi

Cllr Alf Dewis, Oakham Deputy Mayor, Inept Rutland County Council Plan, Aldi

Cllr Dewis writes to the local paper as one of the town council
biggest inept bullies.

Writing he describes Rutland County Councils plan for Oakham
as inept.

When Rutland County Council consulted with the public and
all parish councils. The parish councillor of Oakham could not
be bothered to comment on the document. The council decided
it would let individual members comment away from the meeting.

A senior local Conservative surprised me this week by saying
"We have Aldi coming to Oakham no thank's to the town council
that once again lets us down"

They then referred to the Town Council's failure to produce
a local plan.

I once pointed out the lack of the local plan to Cllr Alf Dewis
I mentioned the apparent success of Uppingham, he responded
they will regret it. He could not say why.


Video: Cllr Alf Dewis