Thursday, March 26, 2015

Dishonest Oakham Town Council Cllr D Blanksby Unlawful Grant Application For Oakham in Bloom Withdrawn

Oakham Town Council Cllr D Blanksby Unlawful Grant Application For Oakham in Bloom Withdrawn.

Just before the start of last nights town council meeting Cllr Blanksby withdrew his application,
for £1000 required for a £1500 planned project. A large percentage of the figure requested was
due to be paid to a private company Paint It and Plant it who would carry out the bulk of the work which Oakham in Bloom would have taken the full glory for.

Oakham Mayor Jayne Woodcock objected to me referring to Cllr Blanksby Application
as unlawful.

I strongly disagreed, because his application breaches the local government act and the councils own financial regulations. These all state no Cllr or Organisation they run can apply for a grant.

It is very clear Oakham Town Council want to continue to support Oakham in Bloom
financially, so it can carry out its good work in and outside our town.

When ex Cllr Dodds was the Chairman of Oakham in Bloom the council ignored all the
rules and handed them money many thousands each year. (no money was paid last year)

Oakham Town Council has over the last year attempted to tighten up the rules.

Oakham Town Council can not lawfully accept an application from Oakham in Bloom
if Cllr Blanksby remains connected to the organisation.

You have to ask why they chose to co-opt him on the 12th February 2015?
The man attends meetings and his input can only be described as that of an elderly man
who perhaps should be at home resting.

Rather disgracefully member laugh out loud at his mistakes, it reminds me of how they  used to snigger at Cllr Dodds forgetful manner.

The laughing can be heard in a video I will publish later.

After the meeting Cllr Blanksby spoke to me and lied. I don't think he is aware that
I have a copy of his application.

He said "I submitted the application before I was co-opted, so there is no problem"

His application was submitted after he was co-opted, as shown below it is signed
and dated 16th March 2015.

Why Lie?

There is no excuse for him submitting this application, because the council recently
reviewed the grant policy so every councillor is aware of the rules and regulations.

And as for The Mayor Cllr Jayne Woodcock, who said the organisation will be reapplying
you can not bend the rules to suit your needs.

As for  Oakham in Bloom  maybe they can hold a few coffee mornings or bring and buy sales
like so many other good organisations have to hold because they don't enjoy the
same personal long term friendship of the Clerk and his small team of old guard of
Councillors past and present who have continually handed them public money
so often with no strings attached.

Perhaps Oakham Town Council can follow Melton Borough Councils lead
and stop giving grants to anyone. For far too long Oakham Town Council
has used tax payers money to fund their friends activities.

Oakham in Bloom was started by an Oakham Town Councillor. The bulk of
their funding in the past has always come from the town council.

As one councillor pointed out at the last full council meeting, Oakham Town
Council is also funding a main part which Oakham in Bloom wrongfully
takes credit for. Oakham Town Council provides and pays thousands to provide
and maintain  all the hanging baskets throughout the town. If you took them away
I am sure Oakham in Bloom would not win any awards.

The work the volunteers do on their small projects is great, its those who run
the organisation who don't get their hands dirty and revel in their glory who
are not so great. Who keep dreaming up larger projects for ego boosts.
Oakham in Bloom was set up by the most egotistical town councillor so it is not
surprise that ethos is continued today by those who run it and that includes the town clerk
who is currently taking the tax payer for a ride,