Saturday, March 14, 2015

Oakham Town Council Election Open Day

Oakham Town Council Election Open Day

This Saturday Oakham Town Council held a open day for those interested
in becoming town councillors.

The visitor numbers were low.

I made to visits. The first was a bit chilly.

Mayor Jayne Woodcock, Deputy Mayor Alf Dewis and Cllr Howard
were present.

I noticed the council had produced a glossy folder. I was told it makes
Oakham Town Council look professional. I think it would take more
than a glossy folder.

I said some might call it wanton waste.

Cllr Dewis then asked would I prefer if they used chalk boards?

I departed.

I returned later and spoke to Cllr Lowe, I mentioned the glossy
folder and he said I don't like anything they do.

We chatted about for a while.

The other Councillor present discussed their mental illness
they claimed I am responsible for that.