Monday, March 30, 2015

Rutland & Melton Parliamentary constituency

Rutland & Melton Parliamentary constituency

Back in 2010 72 people out of 100 voted

The average age here in Rutland and Melton is 46

For every 100 people who live here, 6 were born outside the UK

For every 100 people, aged 16 and over, 30 have a degree-level qualification or above

For every 100 working age adults, 1 person claims Job Seekers Allowance

The average weekly full-time earning for residents who are employed is £502

For every 100 people, 84 describe their own health as 'good' or 'very good'

For every 100 who are employed here,  14 work in the public sector

£186,000 is the average property price in this constituency

One of the most rural constituencies in the country,
Rutland and Melton covers parts of Leicestershire and Rutland and sits between Nottingham, Peterborough and Leicester in the English Midlands.

The largest town is Melton Mowbray.

It is a relatively wealthy area, with few pockets of extreme poverty.

Almost half of households have two or more vehicles - not surprising in such a rural area and one where many people commute to work in nearby towns and cities.

Retail and manufacturing are big employers, with many people also working in agriculture.

The seat was created under boundary changes in 1983 and has always been Conservative.

Since 1992, it has been held by the former minister Sir Alan Duncan.

At the last election, he increased his majority to 14,000 and took 51% of the vote.

The Lib Dems were second with 26%,

while Labour had 14%.