Monday, June 01, 2015

Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM Rutland County Show

Dear Chairman,

The County Show.

Depsite a request I was not told the purpose of Oakham Town Council being present.

I offered my help to Adam Lowe who was great to work with.

Adam also sorted out co-option information packs. Cllr Lucas said we are not 
here for that. So why were we there?

Cllr Lucas throughout the whole event was obnoxious, rude, vindictive.

Gossip was most certainly on the agenda. She complained in front of members
of the public that I was listening to her gossip.

I was not intentionally doing so, if one is standing in close proximinty of another 
it is not difficult to over hear sometimes. 

I was particully shocked to hear Mrs Lucas publicly discussing a property owner,
doctor resident, describing in him as very horrible and more under the banner
of Oakham Town Council. Surely this is not acceptable?

While I was talking to another resident about co-option Mrs Lucas very rudely
interupted and snatched from my hand concert leaflets I had been handing out.
She shouted at me, I am taking those because you are wasting them. 
The lady I was speaking to was shocked by Mrs Lucas's conduct which was repeated again.
She also said I think the council needs new blood.

A agricutural society member spoke to me and described that woman as 
very rude pointing at Cllr Lucas after visiting her part of the stand.

At mid morning Mrs Lucas and her husband sat down on the stand
and preceded to eat takeaway food, Cllr Lucas cosuming wine whilst
her husband consumed a pint of beer. Giving a very disgraceful unproffessional
impression of the Town Council.

Mrs Lucas and others blame me for people not wanting to join the 
council. I strongly disagree with that. She did a good job at doing that.

Mrs Lucas at one point publicly ordered me to stay away from
her side of the stand. It is not surprising that no other councillors
ever want to help this very rude and obnoxious and vidictive

I am sure the council did not spend £100 for her to spend the 
day gossipping and sitting around like a worn out rambler.


Martin Brookes