Friday, July 03, 2015

Oakham Town Council Will Not Be Approving a Schedule of Payments nor a Statement of Accounts for June 2015

Oakham Town Council Will Not Be Approving a Schedule of Payments nor a Statement of Accounts for June 2015

Who would have thought just pointing out one mistake at meeting would to this
and to think a Councillor told me this is not a serious issue.

We have a law breaking Mayor and Chairman.

Accepted inaccurate 2014 -2015 Accounts.

And today we are told by the clerk  given the current situation regarding the accounts and
discussing this matter with the Chairman we will not being carrying out what is legally
required of us next week.

Does this mean the current 2015 -2016 account have now been found defective

I will be request that the auditors look back through the last five years of accounts

The Chairman is not keeping all members informed of what is going on.

What is the current situation the Clerk refers to in his letter.

Our Chairman Alf Dewis has caused quite a mess by his many unlawful actions.
I wonder if the latest accounting failings are caused by him.
Everyone knows he ballsed up when he tried to sack the Clerk and approached
a former Rutland County Council employee to take over the current Clerks
job, Not all members of the council are aware of this.
I would not be surprised if this whole episode is not going to end without
a huge pay out from tax payers money due to the incompetence and law
breaking of the Chairman Cllr Alf Dewis.