Thursday, November 26, 2015

Cllr Adam Lowe Pro Hunt Campaign For Cottesmore Rutland Radio News Interview Video

Cllr Lowe tells Rutland Radio many people have commented on his Facebook page in
support of the hunt.

So I visited his Facebook page:

Adam Lowe Posted:

24 November at 09:43 · 

Cottesmore Hunt, in Cutts Close, Oakham, about 100 years ago. They have a history with this County going back 350 years.
I 100% support the Cottesmore Hunt meet in Cutts Close, Oakham.
Please like to support the Cottesmore Hunt and this tradition.

The is one response not many as he mentions in his interview and that relates to photographs

Karen-bryn Carter Neehuis Be nice if you had pics of the hunt about 60 to 70 years ago Adam my grandfather use to work at the kennels at ashwell
24 November at 18:24

Adam Lowe
Adam Lowe Karen, this pic game from a book about Rutland. If I spot more I will share. Adam X
24 November at 18:31

It is possible the many other comments could be hidden

Also in the interview he suggests the pop up bar which provides drink for hunt members is possible a myth, I am trying to find the photographs I took last year. The year before it was in the Burley Road Car Park. This was introduced after the tray of drinks stopped appearing from the Odd House.
When the table appeared in on Town Council land last year I did raise this with the council so
I can assure all it is not a myth as he suggests.

According Cllr Adam Lowe Oakham is the Capital of Rutland?

Cllr Lowe accuses Oakham Town Councillors of not representing the views
of the residents of the town. Is he a mind reader now?

I believe represent some residents opinion. I only received comments telling me not to support the hunt and support the circus.

It is also a fact that Cllrs don't have to always represent the views of the residents,
and often that is the case at Oakham Town Council.

I personally search for views on-line and find more support for the councils

I shared my blog posts on many sites to make people aware as much as I could this included those who I thought might support and not support I found anti site the league against cruel sports for the East Midlands and I received the following  response:

League Against Cruel Sports - Midlands Group Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention Martin, it is a very interesting piece of information indeed, especially following our recent conviction of the Cottesmore Hunt. It must also said that blocking badger setts is a clear indicator of intent to hunt foxes illegally.

Cllr Lowe in his interview also suggests the Cottesmore Hunt is law abiding. The
conviction mentioned above is not the first.
At last nights meeting he acknowledged this case saying he had read about it in the
paper, then when he speaks to Rutland Radio News he conveniently forgets it.

Cllr Lowe is Oakham Town Council's appointed press spokesperson, I believe he
has abused that position by not speaking for the council. He has only spoken against
the council and its decision and he sounds more like a spokesman for the Cottesmore
Hunt. By saying it is his personal opinion does not wash with me.

Especially when he starts to use his Tory bully boy tactics by threatening me with the
police when I politely ask him questions about the issue.

Currently Oakham Town Council only has two councillors who have been elected.

The rest are co-opted or unopposed so as a body we don't really represent the
residents of the town but we all try despite Cllr Lowe Claims.