Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Cllr Michael Haley Oakham Deputy Mayor Oakham Town Council Breached the Code of Conduct Decision Notice 07-16

Cllr Michael Haley Oakham Town Council Breached the Code of Conduct Decision Notice 07-16

Although I welcome the finding of the assistant monitoring, I don't think it will bring about any change at Oakham Town Council.

Michael sadly joined the mob and is content with attempting to exclude me from all council
business and none council business (The Neighborhood Plan).

I am pleased, I am able to record meetings and will continue to record them despite
objections from the mob.

I am slightly confused by the assistant monitoring officers decision because because it contradicts   a previous decision made by the monitoring officer. this is not  the first time I have been deliberately prevented from taking part in a meeting.

When it first happened we were under the chairmanship of the the delightful ex Mayor
Alf Dewis, even when the external auditor pointed out his conduct was wrong and in one
case unlawful the Monitoring officer Debbie Mogg said he had done nothing wrong and
I should just do as he tells me at meetings.

Cllr Haley has not personally apologised to me.

I hope the Council will display the decision notice in the office window perhaps alongside
a letter telling him his conduct is not acceptable for a month and perhaps they will consider
removing him from all the committees and outside bodies he excludes me from.