Friday, August 26, 2016

Oakham Town Council Staffing Committee Agenda 1st September 2016 Openness and Transparency at its best

Oakham Town Council Staffing Committee  Agenda 1st September 2016

A few members of Oakham Town Council are using the exempt item
far to often this year mainly to exclude me from knowing what is
happening or be involved in matters effecting this council.

I have no problem with item six being made exempt.

Unlike RCC, OTC kicks out members who are not members of
committees when they discuss exempt items.
I think it gives the old guard a little power and control.

Staff appointments should not be an exempt item.

One again I was told by a member of the public that the Clerk
has left his job at the council and that at least one of our staff
who told them is relieved.

Unfortunately our Mayor Adam Lowe assaulted me at the last
council meeting and I was unlawfully excluded from the last
agenda item, when the council decided to accept the resignation
from Richard White in return for a pay out.
I was told this by a relative of a Rutland County Councillor.

At a previous meeting of the council The Mayor Adam Lowe
told all members that the Clerk had broken the law and breached
his contract of employment, but unfortunately The ex Mayor Alf
Dewis had messed things up.

I partially disagree with that and would say Cllrs Lowe, Haley, Lucas
and Stubbs contributed to messing this up.

When I pointed out the unlawful conduct of the clerk there were
numerous bullying attempts to cover it up.
When the Cllr Lowe and Co realised they had messed up by allowing
the clerk to fall into the position of being able to take learn term sick
they and the rest of the staffing committee continued to make things

Now we have paid of the clerk, I hope the council will properly
advertise the role and perhaps they will release a public notice
stating the town clerk has resigned his position of public office.