Saturday, November 05, 2016

Oakham Town Council Cllrs Question Audit Report Standing Order 9 Questions A.

Dear Adam Lowe and the Town Clerk.

Can I refer you to standing order 9 a. page 19 of the newly adopted Town Councils standing orders.

9 questions a. A councillor may seek to an answer to one question per meeting concerning any public business of the Council provided 3 clear days' notice of the question in writing has been to to clerk.

It is not my problem that this right has been removed from the council meeting agenda I hope the
council will have resolved this issue before the next meeting.

My question is submitted within time,  As it now appears we can only ask one question.

I have reworded my question for the next meeting.

The external auidtor has recently commented about Oakham Town Council failure to comply with requirements relating to internal and external audits reports, the council is failing to comply with audit act by not presenting these report to full council as for consideration it is also refusing Cllrs requests to receive copies of these reports for consideration. Please can the council why it is ignoring the external auditors comments and cllrs requests?


Cllr Martin Brookes OSE