Saturday, January 07, 2017

Oakham Town Council Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Michael Haley Appendix C 11th January 2017

Oakham Town Council Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Michael Haley Appendix C 11th January 2017

A report full of mistakes and figures that do not match those previously agreed.

I have written the following to Cllr Michael Haley

I await his response once again telling me to go and jump under a bus.

I can not believe his incompetence is accepted, of it was not by the Trustees of Victoria Hall
were he lasted less than a month last year.

 Dear Michael Haley
I have read your report included in the agenda pack for next weeks council meeting.
It makes no sense, the figures you have typed are incorrect. 
The minutes of the previous meeting show lower amounts than those you state were previously approved.
Please can you also explain what is £1000.000 ?
At the meeting I hope you will be able to answer the following questions ignoring what may have already been 
1. What is your total budget request.
2. The total amount you are seeking to receive from the grant appplication
3. Why if you expect to receive a grant is the funding not temporarly coming from reserves?
Sure you can not ask the tax payer to pay via the precept demmand for 2017 -2018 and then
take a grant?
4. By not providing a draft of the budget for 2017 - 2018 and stating in the agenda we will see a
projection in real time at the meeting. How are members and dare I suggest members of the public
meant to consider the content and raise issues at the meeting? we have seen with the recruitment
process that does not work. could you please send all members a copy of the revised budget in 
plenty of time before next Wednesdays meeting?
Thank you
Martin Brookes