Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Oakham Town Meeting 2018 Everyone is a liar according to Cllr Michael Haley

Oakham Town Meeting 2018 Everyone is a liar according to Cllr Michael Haley

At the town meeting Cllr Michael Haley said I was lying, he also denied all that was put to him by
residents suggesting they are lying.

Cllr Haley will tell me I am lying even when I have video evidence. The sexists, bully should resign
from Oakham Town Council and take the dishonest clerk with him.

Thank goodness he said he is not consider being our chairman for the next year.

Good riddance to the most damaging chairman Oakham Town Council has ever experienced.

After the Town Meeting All Cllrs who had attended stopped to chat to the public.

Cllr Michael Haley and the deputy chairman Peter Ind moved into the council chamber and locked us all out.

Leaving a council laptop on the table. A serious data protection risk.