Showing posts with label Councillor Roger Begy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Councillor Roger Begy. Show all posts

Thursday, July 07, 2011

EDI plc, Education Development Int PLC, Rutland County Council Harassment? Roger Begy OBE?

Rutland County Council Harassment?

Roger Begy OBE?

A member of Rutland County Council looked at the posters created and distributed during the elections and said instantly "those could be Roger Begy's words"

Rutland County Council say they are not responsible for homophobic comments posted via their network from the council chamber last year.They say they have no connection to any of the malicious comments.

I have a collection of e-mails sent from the Deputy Leader Cllr King that can only be described as questionable and inciting bribery.

This morning I find a comment posted on my blog supporting Oakham Town Councillor Joyce Lucas.

I seem to Remember the leader of Rutland County Council was given his OBE for his work for education, I wonder if he has any connection to EDI plc?

The Board of Directors don't look like the sort of folk who would have any interest in the affairs of Oakham Town Council. I have asked them to provide me with the details of the person abusing their system, it should not be hard a hard job for their IT department to establish the ID of the user, who has to log in to gain access to their server.

The computer used, suggest to me this could be an antiquated RCC laptop once again.

EDI directors April 2011
DIRECTORS - April 2011
  • Cllr Linda Bigham - Coventry City Council
  • Cllr Alan Cockburn - Warwickshire County Council
  • Peter Deeley - Managing Director, Deeley Group Ltd
  • Cllr Alan Farnell - Warwickshire County Council
  • Jim Graham - Warwickshire County Council
  • Cllr Craig Humphrey - Leader of the Council, Rugby Borough Council
  • Mary Matthews - Blitz Games
  • Councillor John McNicholas - Coventry City Council
  • Paul Tolley - Warwickshire CAVA, Voluntary Sector
  • Martin Reeves – Chief Executive, Coventry City Council
  • Mark Rogers - Chief Executive, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council
  • Nigel Snook - Managing Director, EDI Plc, Chair of CSWP Board
  • Paul Taylor - Principal, City College Coventry
  • Nigel Thrift - Vice Chancellor, University of Warwick

BrowserInternet Explorer 8.0
Browser LanguageEnglish (United States)
Operating SystemWindows XP
Screen Resolution1280x1024

Anonymous said...

And, Councillor, what exactly is your strategy for the coming year and the operational tactics you intend to employ yo maintain that strategy?

It seems to me that your overall strategic goal is to destroy the council, and the main tactics are:

1. To not offer any reasonable input to council meetings.
2. To ensure that no member of the public would willingly volunteer to working with you.
3. To utilise your blog in order to find fault whilst at the same time not offer any worthwhile solutions to perceived issues.

And Cllr Lucas is right, you are indeed the issue. And as a well known local resident I can tell you with utmost confidence that you have just one supporter and no one wants you involved in local issues.

But, that's the negative aspect of democracy, no?

The Comment was Posted Via:

Internet Service ProviderBritish Telecommunications
OrganizationEducation Development Int PLC
IP Address194.73.216.82

EDI plc is an educational company used by Rutland County Council.  

Friday, April 22, 2011

Rutland County Council Protest Posters

Protest posters are appearing in windows in Rutland County Council properties. These photographs show some of the many windows at Rutland County Councils Headquarters in Oakham.

Most read "Begy Bully Out May 5th"

I took a closer look at the building and there does not appear to be a office or area of the council building that has not been fly posted. Someone obviously has lot of papers and printing ink.

A person who wishes to remain anonymous, told me they will be out fly posting Rutland in support of me because they felt the local conservatives poster campaign against me was rather unfair. I am very pleased
to know there are some people out there who disapprove of their vile behaviour.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Roger Begy Rutland County Council Jobs

As Rutland County Council refused the creation of 300 jobs locally by turning down the Sainsbury Application.

I read when it comes to available job vacancies, Rutland now finds itself in the bottom of the bottom three regions within the East Midlands.
(Official data from the Office for National Statistics and frontline evidence from today’s welfare to work industry.)

As a job seeker, I would like to congratulate Rutland County Councillor Roger Begy and his Conservative colleagues for another County success.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Roger Begy Conservative Leader of Rutland County Fishing for cash at Oakham Canal

Councillor Roger B Begy (Conservative) - GREETHAM WARD  (Leader of the Council) was seen out fishing at Oakham Canal with his wife yesterday. I thought he was practising for his retirement from May 5th, no I heard him say "I'm sure this is were we hid that other million!!, Helen will be so cross if we don't find it!" Mrs Begy said "did we not deposit it in that nice charity box on the bar at the 
Wheatsheaf Greetham?" 

Mr Begy and his wife departed and celebrated coming first for another year, even though his council did not increase council tax this year in order to receive the council tax freeze grant. The tax bill is still the highest in England.
Chief Executive Helen Briggs the "mean and lean" queen is preparing to block MSN Money access at Rutland Libraries.

She was last seen  on the streets of Oakham waving newspapers begging voters "please ignore these headlines" "they have got it all wrong just like my chums at the Rutland Times"