Showing posts with label Leader of the Council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leader of the Council. Show all posts

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Roger Begy Conservative Leader of Rutland County Fishing for cash at Oakham Canal

Councillor Roger B Begy (Conservative) - GREETHAM WARD  (Leader of the Council) was seen out fishing at Oakham Canal with his wife yesterday. I thought he was practising for his retirement from May 5th, no I heard him say "I'm sure this is were we hid that other million!!, Helen will be so cross if we don't find it!" Mrs Begy said "did we not deposit it in that nice charity box on the bar at the 
Wheatsheaf Greetham?" 

Mr Begy and his wife departed and celebrated coming first for another year, even though his council did not increase council tax this year in order to receive the council tax freeze grant. The tax bill is still the highest in England.
Chief Executive Helen Briggs the "mean and lean" queen is preparing to block MSN Money access at Rutland Libraries.

She was last seen  on the streets of Oakham waving newspapers begging voters "please ignore these headlines" "they have got it all wrong just like my chums at the Rutland Times"